For my inorganic chemistry course, one of the major projects was to present a peer-reviewed chemistry journal article that was related to a concept recently covered in class. Requirements for the presentation included the question/hypothesis, method, results, conclusion, and what experiment we would do next, within the span of five minutes with appropriately corresponding slides.

I decided to present on “Effect of Lewis Acids on the Structure and Reactivity of a Mononuclear Hydroxomanganese(III) Complex” by Derek B. Rice, Elizabeth N. Grotemeyer, Anna M. Donovan, and Timothy A. Jackson (Inorg. Chem. 2020, 59, 5, 2689–2700).

My slides can be accessed below or here. Details can be found in the speaker notes.

Because I opt to use slides as a visual tool rather than something to be read off of, I worked to maximize the visual information on the slides while keeping text to a minimum.